

PARATÔTE is derived from the meaning to carry beside and protect. The idea of a compact parasol on an angle positioned on the exterior of a tote for ease of retrieval, has resulted in a developing line of accessories that give you one less thing to think about before you walk out your door.

The Luminoni tote is the first on a quest to mix ease with fun and bold style, in a way that gets you excited to leave home. We believe it will quickly become the  perfect option to travel with you through the varying demands of daily life, while also protecting from the elements.


Chicago native Stephanie Cade has been sketching out rudimentary designs since as early as grammar school. Watching stylish women like her mother, put together in every day glamour and heading out into the working world, helped build creative and practical inspiration. 

Landing a job as a floater at Marshall Fields at age 15 would be a major motivator. It was the watching of people on the bus ride to work in Chicago and DC, and later in the streets of New York...the liveliness, depth of city culture and the differences in which we all get ourselves out into the world every day...that would continue to inspire and become the base for building the brand.

PARATÔTE, emméne-moi avec toi…take me with you